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Outreach & Engagement Superpowers! | 🥇 Keith Humes
Outreach & Engagement Superpowers! | 🥇 Keith Humes

June 13 , 2023 | Replay


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Outreach & Engagement Superpowers! | 🥇 Keith Humes

Remember, the true power of our outreach and engagement lies in our collective efforts. By supporting and inspiring one another, we can create a ripple effect that transforms lives and strengthens our community.

Time & Location

June 13 , 2023 | Replay

REPLAY via YouTube

About the Past Meetings



Hello Tribe,

I hope you all had an uplifting and empowering training session on "Outreach and Engagement: Vital Keys to the Success of Your Housing Program." Now that you are armed with new knowledge and strategies, it's time to put your superpowers into action and make a tangible difference in the lives of those you serve!

As we discussed during the training, outreach and engagement are essential components of our housing program's success. By actively reaching out and engaging with the community, you can create a network of support that extends far beyond your halfway house walls. Now, it's time to turn theory into practice and unleash your full potential!

I invite each and every one of you to take part in the following call to action:

✔️ Identify Outreach Opportunities: Take a moment to identify potential organizations, community events, or initiatives where you can extend your outreach efforts. Think about local community centers, schools, job fairs, or even online platforms where you can connect with individuals seeking housing assistance. Let's make a list of these opportunities and share it during our next board meeting.

✔️ Strengthen Partnerships: Building strong relationships with local organizations, community leaders, and stakeholders is crucial to your outreach and engagement success. Reach out to existing partners or explore new collaboration possibilities. Consider organizing joint initiatives, workshops, or informational sessions to expand your reach and enhance the support you provide.

✔️ Develop Outreach Plans: Create individual or team outreach plans that outline specific goals, target audiences, and action steps. Break down the tasks and set realistic timelines to ensure accountability and progress. Remember, every small step counts, and together, we can achieve remarkable results.

✔️ Share Success Stories: As your team embark on outreach and engagement efforts, let's celebrate your triumphs along the way. Share success stories, testimonials, or impactful moments that showcase the positive impact your organization is making in people's lives. These stories will not only inspire others but also motivate our team to continue reaching higher.

✔️ Learn and Adapt: Outreach and engagement are continuous processes of learning and adaptation. Stay curious, remain open to feedback, and be willing to adjust your approach based on the evolving needs of your community. Attend relevant workshops, conferences, or webinars to expand your knowledge and stay up to date with best practices.

Remember, the true power of our outreach and engagement lies in our collective efforts. By supporting and inspiring one another, we can create a ripple effect that transforms lives and strengthens our community.

I encourage you to embrace this call to action with enthusiasm, determination, and a deep sense of purpose. Together, let's make our outreach and engagement initiatives a shining example of the impact we can have when we unite behind a common cause. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our mission. I am incredibly proud to be part of this tribe and to witness the incredible work we do every day. Let's continue to light the path toward a brighter future, one outreach at a time!

With gratitude and excitement, I am Elder Keith Humes.



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