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Coalition  Previous Meetings

  • Their Story (SOS Housing) | 🥇 Dave & Felicia
    Their Story (SOS Housing) | 🥇 Dave & Felicia
    June 27 , 2023 | Replay
    Dave and Felicia generously shared their personal journeys of overcoming addiction and successfully reintegrating into society after Dave’s time in a halfway house. Their stories served as a reminder of the immense potential for growth and transformation that lies within each resident.
  • Outreach & Engagement Superpowers! | 🥇 Keith Humes
    Outreach & Engagement Superpowers! | 🥇 Keith Humes
    June 13 , 2023 | Replay
    Remember, the true power of our outreach and engagement lies in our collective efforts. By supporting and inspiring one another, we can create a ripple effect that transforms lives and strengthens our community.
  • Unity and Resilience in the Face of Adversity | 🥇 Keith Humes
    Unity and Resilience in the Face of Adversity | 🥇 Keith Humes
    May 23 , 2023 | Replay
    Let us stand united, firmly rooted in our faith and the purpose that brought us together. We must not let ourselves be swayed or diminished by any disgruntled, deranged, or delusional distractions.
  • How To Get Your Program Licensed | 🥇 Keith Humes
    How To Get Your Program Licensed | 🥇 Keith Humes
    May 16 , 2023 | Replay
    Halfway House Coalition meeting was informative and engaging, covering essential aspects related to the Second Chance Act grant, licensing procedures, zoning regulations, and property acquisition.
  • Outreach In Africa | 🥇 Tammy McGee
    Outreach In Africa | 🥇 Tammy McGee
    May 2, 2023 | Replay
    Funding updates & Tammy McGee with McGee’s Transitional Housing program sharing her fundraising opportunity to go to Africa and to do some outreach work under the auspices of her organization partnership with the Rotarian club in California.
  • Back 2 Basics | 🥇 Keith Humes
    Back 2 Basics | 🥇 Keith Humes
    April 25, 2023 | Replay
    Back 2 Basics Training by Keith Humes 22 Basics Towards Your Program Success
  • Cultural Intelligence | 🥇 Iona Manigault
    Cultural Intelligence | 🥇 Iona Manigault
    April 18, 2023 | Replay
    Last night, the MasterMind Training featuring Iona Manigault shed light on Cultural Intelligence - the ability to relate and work across cultural boundaries. ✅ This highly relevant concept is akin to cultural agility and its mastery can open up new possibilities. ✅ It was an enlightening session, pr
  • Financial Secrets | 🥇 Mr. Solomon Lacy
    Financial Secrets | 🥇 Mr. Solomon Lacy
    April 4, 2023 | Replay
    The meeting last night was electric, as the guest speaker Mr. Solomon Lacy shared financial secrets with our Tribe on how to obtain business credit. His wise counsel had a lasting effect and some of the attendees have been discussing the topic for hours since the event!
  • One Stop Shop | 🥇 Juanita Grant
    One Stop Shop | 🥇 Juanita Grant
    March 28, 2023 | Replay
    The Halfway House Coalition convened last night and the buzz was all about meeting the May deadline for the 2nd Chance Act Request for Proposal, which requires that twenty of our state coalition agencies have signed MOUs by then.
  • What Is Supportive Housing? | 🥇 Keith Humes
    What Is Supportive Housing? | 🥇 Keith Humes
    March 21, 2023 | Replay
    This training by Keith Humes explains what supportive housing is, its benefits, and the various services and programs offered to support individuals and families in need. It's a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about this type of housing.
  • Urine Specimen Certification | 🥇 Mrs. Shametra Rozier
    Urine Specimen Certification | 🥇 Mrs. Shametra Rozier
    March 14, 2023 | Replay
    Last night we invited Mrs. Shametra Rozier of Journi2Results Training Academy and she extended an opportunity for us to add to your services the ability to make extra income by being certified to collect urine specimen, or dug testing. She shared her income for the year.
  • The Model Inmate: Mind Over Matter: How I Became the Model Inmate | 🥇 Ray V. Boyd
    The Model Inmate: Mind Over Matter: How I Became the Model Inmate | 🥇 Ray V. Boyd
    March 7, 2023 | Replay
    Special Presentation by Ray V. Boyd. Author of "The Model Inmate: Mind Over Matter: How I Became the Model Inmate". The Model Inmate captures the essence of prison life through the voice of someone who has lived it continuously through different eras, administrations, and decades, Ray V. Boyd.
  • Grant & Funding Benefits for Profit & Non-Profit Organizations | 🥇 Juanita Grant
    Grant & Funding Benefits for Profit & Non-Profit Organizations | 🥇 Juanita Grant
    Feb. 28, 2023 | Replay
    Hi Halfway House Coalition Members! I want to thank Ms. Juanita for giving us her valuable time to sit in and drop some nuggets about the benefits of having a no profit and for profit.
  • Cash Flow Quadrant | 🥇 Keith Humes
    Cash Flow Quadrant | 🥇 Keith Humes
    Feb. 21, 2023 | Replay
    Last night Coalition meeting was all about the shifting of your Mindset when it comes to the management of money as well as new business strategies. I want to stretch your limited belief system and turn you into shrewd business people.
  • Accreditation Licensure and Certification Training |  🥇 Constance Coogins
    Accreditation Licensure and Certification Training |  🥇 Constance Coogins
    Feb. 9, 2023 | Replay
    Ms Constance Coogins expound on the different levels of care that your program will use as you move forward. We all know that if your housing program is only renting beds you will not be as effective as you should be.
  • Dr. CJ Jones | Investment Opportunity
    Dr. CJ Jones | Investment Opportunity
    Feb. 7, 2023 | Replay
    Last night's coalition meeting was probably one of the better meetings that I think we've had in a very long time. I say that with all intentional purposes of getting ready for our next moves.
    Jan. 31, 2023 | Replay
    We are about to take off. Jan 31 was the last day to get onboard the flight to destination "FUND YOUR DREAMS"! With your business plan in hand you are about to change your family, your community, your life.
  • HH Coalition Web Overview & NHRP Grant Follow Up
    HH Coalition Web Overview & NHRP Grant Follow Up
    Jan. 24, 2023 | Replay
    When I think about the scope of our vision and all the people that will benefit from the services we will be providing, I get goose bumps. You, the one who is reading this, are my WHY!

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